U okviru službene posjete Bosni i Hercegovini, sa posebnim akcentom na prisustvo komemoraciji žrtvama genocida održanoj u Srebrenici 11. jula 2024. godine, predstavnici Svjetskog Kongresa Ujgura na čelu sa predsjednikom gosp. Isa Dolkunom posjetila je Vijeće Kongresa bošnjačkih intelektualaca.
Delegaciju je u ime Vijeća primio generalni sekretar Emir Zlatar, a susretu je prisustvovao i gosp. Sejfudin Hodžić, savjetnik predsjedavajućeg/zamjenika Doma naroda Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine.
Delegacija predstavnika ujgurskog naroda prezentirala je veoma teški položaj ujgurskog naroda, te prezentirala aktivnosti i projekte koja ova organizacija provodi u cilju dokumentovanja i upoznavanja međunarodne javnosti o sistemskim zločinima, sa elementima genocida, koje državni organi NR Kine provode u provinciji gdje ujgurski narod već vjekovima čini apsolutnu većinu. Posebno brine svojevrsna medijska blokada i šutnja, kako bi se etničko čišćenje Ujgura sa svojih vjekovnih teritorija odvilo u „tišini“, daleko od demokratske međunarodne javnosti.
Pored suzbijanja i onemogućavanja promocije vlastitog identiteta ujgurskog naroda, sama provincija i narod izloženi su progonima, prisilnim zatvaranjima, deportacijama, odvođenjima čitavih porodica u „nepoznatom pravcu“ s ciljem potpunog uništenja kulture i naslijeđa Ujgura i pretvaranje njihove historijske postojbine u „kinesku etničku administrativnu jedinicu“. Usljed geostrateških dugoročnih ekonomskih interesa koje je zacrtalo rukovodstvo KP Kine, a koja se provodi kroz državni aparat i institucije vlasti, ujgurski narod našao se „na pogrešnom mjestu u pogrešno vrijeme“, te je državni aparat u zadnjih deset godina poduzeo neviđene represivne mjere protiv Ujgura, uključujući ubijanja, uspostavu logora, progone, prisilne deportacije.
Svjetski Kongres Ujgura održaće međunarodnu Konferenciju u Sarajevu krajem oktobra ove godine, te su zamolili i pozvali VKBI, da se kao najrespekabilnija organizacija iz reda akademske zajednice u BIH aktivno uključi u predlaganje programskih aktivnosti koje uključuju predstavljanje iskustava Bošnjaka u borbi za svoj opstanak u vlastitoj domovini, predstavljanje uloge UN-a, EU i drugih međunarodnih saveza i organizacija tokom odbrane države BiH i opstanka bošnjačkog naroda, borbe protiv negiranja genocida nad Bošnjacima, kao i drugih oblika diskriminacije kojoj su izloženi od ektremnih nacionalnih politika susjednih država. Na Konferenciji će posebno prezentirati uloga i značaj Svjetskog Kongresa Ujgura te prezentirati dokumenti, činjenice i dokazi najtežih oblika zločina protiv ujgurskog naroda.
Generalni sekretar VKBI ukratko je upoznao delegaciju Ujgura o položaju i statusu Bošnjaka u Bosni i Hercegovini i državama regije, zahvalio delegaciji na dolasku u Memorijalni centar u Potočare i izrazio suosjećanje sa nepravdom i zločinima koji se provode nad Ujgurima. Bez obzira na strateške nacionalne interese NR Kine neprihvatljivo je da se državni interesi provode provođenjem sile i ubijanja drugih i drugačijih, posebno na bazi etničke i vjerske razlike.
Usaglašeno je da se u narednom periodu otvore kanali komunikacije u oblasti naučno-istraživačke saradnje u oblastima zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava, zalaganje za vladavinu prava u okviru međunarodnih odnosa te međusobno upoznavanje sa historijom i kulturnim nasljeđem Bošnjaka i Ujgura.
As part of the official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, with special emphasis on attending the commemoration of the victims of genocide held in Srebrenica on July 11, 2024, representatives of the World Uyghur Congress headed by the president, Mr. Isa Dolkunom visited the Council of the Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals. The delegation was received on behalf of the Council by Secretary General Emir Zlatar, and the meeting was also attended by Mr. Sejfudin Hodžić, adviser to the chairman/deputy of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The delegation of representatives of the Uyghur people presented the very difficult position of the Uyghur people, and presented the activities and projects that this organization carries out with the aim of documenting and informing the international public about systematic crimes, with elements of genocide, that the state authorities of the People's Republic of China are carrying out in the province where the Uyghur people have been for centuries the absolute majority. He is particularly worried about a kind of media blockade and silence, so that the ethnic cleansing of the Uyghurs from their centuries-old territories would take place in “silence”, far from the democratic international public. In addition to suppressing and preventing the promotion of the own identity of the Uyghur people, the province and the people themselves are exposed to persecution, forced imprisonment, deportation, and the taking of entire families to an “unknown direction” with the aim of completely destroying the culture and heritage of the Uyghur and turning their historical homeland into a “Chinese ethnic administrative unit “. As a result of the geostrategic long-term economic interests outlined by the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which is implemented through the state apparatus and government institutions, the Uyghur people found themselves “in the wrong place at the wrong time”, and the state apparatus has taken unprecedented repressive measures against the Uyghurs in the last ten years. , including killings, establishment of camps, persecutions, forced deportations.
World Uyghur Congress will hold an international conference in Sarajevo at the end of October this year, and they asked and invited VKBI, as the most respectable organization from the academic community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to actively participate in proposing program activities that include presenting the experiences of Bosniaks in the struggle for their survival in their own homeland. , presentation of the role of the UN, the EU and other international alliances and organizations during the defense of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the survival of the Bosniak people, the fight against the denial of the genocide against Bosniaks, as well as other forms of discrimination they are exposed to due to the extreme national policies of neighboring countries. At the Conference, the role and importance of the World Uyghur Congress will be presented and documents, facts and evidence of the most serious crimes against the Uyghur people will be presented. The General Secretary of the VKBI briefly informed the Uyghur delegation about the position and status of Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the countries of the region, thanked the delegation for coming to the Memorial Center in Potočare and expressed sympathy for the injustice and crimes committed against the Uyghurs. Regardless of the strategic national interests of the People's Republic of China, it is unacceptable that the state's interests are implemented through the use of force and the killing of others and others, especially on the basis of ethnic and religious differences.
It was agreed that in the coming period, communication channels will be opened in the field of scientific-research cooperation in the fields of crimes against humanity and international law, advocacy for the rule of law within international relations, and mutual acquaintance with the history and cultural heritage of Bosniaks and Uyghurs.